
Our certifications guarantee correctness and professionalism of our working procedures.

Iso9001  ISO 9001:2008 Quality Certification  - Download

Behind this mark there is a particular way of producing, working, being a company. Sala Guido Legnami obtained this certification in July 2009, which is the basis for the customer’s satisfaction: all procedures and regulations imposed by this Quality Certification comply this principle.

Soa - Cqop Certificate SOA cat. OS32 "III BIS" - Download

SOA Certificate is a compulsory document which permits a company to take part in competitive public tenders. Our company attained OS32 Certificate for the class IIIa BIS. which attests to the possession of all qualifications needed in Public Works Contracts.

Consiglio superiore Lavori Pubblici Processing activity of structural wood elements" - Download

Our company uses CE conformity-certified materials according to UNI EN 14080/14081standard and PEFC certificate. The observance of the procedures about material traceability required by Technical Standards for Construction allowed us to obtain the Ministerial Qualification for structural wood elements processing. .

Marcatura CE Marking of hard wood elements - CE Certificate" - Download - Scarica DOP


According to UNI EN 14081-1, we can directly offer our customers certified materials, without the support of external suppliers.